Our Oysters

We specialise in Sydney Rock Oysters – Australia’s favourite native oyster.

Thanks to our multiple farm sites along the NSW coast, we can deliver these delicious oysters all year round. Our farming techniques allow us to optimise the growth of the oysters by ensuring they get maximum nutrients and optimal time in the water.

Sydney Rock Oysters are typically characterised by their rich, deep and lasting sweetness, but the diverse water conditions in each of our locations means you can also enjoy a variety of flavour profiles.

How do you eat yours?

Sydney Rock Oysters are very versatile in terms of how they’re served. If you prefer them raw, the classic twist of lemon or eschalot vinegar works perfectly. Or if you’re keen on a cooked oyster, the fatty richness of the bacon in a Kilpatrick is a delicious compliment to the briny complexity of the oyster.

To shuck or not to shuck?

Live oysters have a longer ‘shelf-life’, so if you’d like to consume them over a longer time period or on more than one occasion, we recommend buying them unshucked and doing it yourself. Unshucked oysters are good for up to two weeks when stored correctly. Shucking can also be a nice party trick if you’ve got family and friends over!

If however you prefer to enjoy your oysters with minimum effort, shucked oysters are the option for you. These will be delivered to you ready to eat, and must be consumed within seven days.

Whatever your preference, you won’t be disappointed. So order yours today!